Nigeria’s Mining Sector Gets a Boost with the National Geodata Centre

The Nigerian government just unveiled the National Geodata Centre and released the Electronic data facility to make the mining sector more attractive. The Minister of Mines and Steel Development, Arch Olamilekan Adegbite, said this move is aimed at making the Nigerian mining sector more appealing for investors. He mentioned that the goal is to create a competitive sector that contributes to wealth creation, job opportunities, and social security. The centre will provide access to geological data, making it easier for investors to make informed decisions. This is a big deal because without good GeoData, the country is at a disadvantage. The project will also focus on improving access to data and information holdings of Nigeria, which is a win for both domestic and international investors. The National Geodata Centre is established in the Nigerian Geological Survey Agency (NGSA) with an arm at the National Steel Raw Material Exploration Agency (NSRMEA). The aim is to create a modern, digital, accessible infrastructure for the delivery of Nigerian Geological Data. The project will bring together existing data within NGSA and NSRMEA, making it available in standard digital formats. The project also includes the generation and uptake of new policies, new ways of working, and the successful adoption of new IT systems and processes. The sustainability of the GeoData Centre beyond the project’s lifetime is also a priority. The outcome will be a Geoscience Data Centre able to hold data securely and make it accessible to customers via modern delivery systems. The Ministry of Mines and Steel Development Mineral Sector Support for Economic Diversification (MinDiver) World Bank Assisted Project played a key role in supporting the establishment of the National Geodata Centre. The centre will host over 100 years of national geoscience knowledge and data generated by NGSA, making it a valuable resource for showcasing Nigeria’s geoscience data and mineral potentials to the world. This is a game-changer for the Nigerian mining sector, and it’s exciting to see the government taking steps to make it more attractive for investors. It’s a win-win for everyone involved!

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